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WorkshopSP > Program

Track 3: Sustainable City, Urban Vulnerability, Urban Mobility

Thursday November 14th

  • 11.15am-12.20am-Room : 112, 1st Floor 

    Coordinators : Atilla Baskurt, Sandrine Lebigre, Manoel Rodrigues Alves

    11.15am-12.15am: Introduction of the track3 
    Objectives of the track 3 « Sustainable city, Urban Vulnerability, Urban Mobility », Sandrine Lebigre and Manoel Rodrigues Alves 
    Presentation of « IMU, Intelligence of Urban Worlds », Atilla Baskurt 
    Presentation of «Sustainability and Contemporary City Research : possibilities for French-Brazilian cooperation», Brazilian researchers 

    12.15am-12.45am: « Sustainable and/or smart cities: Data and indicators issues » (part I)
    «Smart cities, smart environment», Christine Solnon

    • 12.20am-2pm : Lunch Salon des Symboles

    • 2pm-3.30pm-Room: 112, 1st Floor

      Coordinators : Atilla Baskurt, Sandrine Lebigre, Manoel Rodrigues Alves
      2.15pm-3.45pm: « Sustainable and/or Smart Cities : Data and indicators issues » (part II)
      « Economic, social, environmental indicators », Fabrice Bardet
      « MCMV Social Housing: social indicators of urban vulnerability and urban mobility », Cibele Saliba Rizek
      « Sustainable City: environmental, political and social issues», Joao Sette Whittaker

    • 3.30pm-4pm: Coffee break, Salon des Symboles

    • 4pm-5.30pm: -Room: 112, 1st Floor

      Coordinators : Atilla Baskurt, Sandrine Lebigre, Manoel Rodrigues Alves
      « Assesment of urban vulnerability », Florent Renard
      « Urban risks », Essaid Bilal
      « Urban Mobility, Urban Equity », Maria Encarnação Sposito

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